Monday, February 27, 2012

FRANKY'S Double page spread draft.

After her whirlwind year we have finally managed to catch a moment with the new face of pop to talk about her new album and her plans for 2012.

As I arrive at the Soho hotel in London there is a crowd of paparazzi sectioned off to the side and two body guards at the huge rotating doors. I am escorted up to the top floor and taken to the last room on the right. I enter to find a young girl sat on a red sofa in jogging bottoms and a baggy jumper. She’s wearing no make-up however she is still flawless and seems to pull off the lazy day outfit very well. As I walk into the room she looks up and smiles and gets up to introduce herself although it isn’t needed as most people in the world could recognise her iconic face even if it was blurred.

Did you enjoy making your new album?

Yes…very much so!! It was such a great experience working in a studio with incredible artists, musicians and producers. Plus I got to travel to some amazing places and got to stay in Los Angeles for a month.

What is your favourite song off of the album?

My favourite song is probably ‘Scarlett’ because I think it is a song that most people can enjoy and relate too.

What is your favourite song by another artist?

Oh no! I don’t know there’s so many that I like at the moment… I really like Black Neptune’s song Collide, it is just so good. I can listen to it all day every day and have been doing… I’ve got their album in my car.

How did you celebrate when you won best new act at the 2011 music awards?

Oh my goodness!! I wasn’t expecting that at all… especially when I was up against some of the best names in the industry. But yeah me and a bunch of my close friends and producers went back to the hotel room and had pizza and drinks… and I skyped my mum, dad and little brother HA!

What do you do in your spare time when you’re not winning awards then?

Haha… Award I think you mean, I’ve only won one!! I’m really boring to be honest; I just sit at home with my dog, watch TV and eat junk food.

Eat junk food? How can you eat that and still look so good on the red carpet?

Do keep in mind that I only have about two days a month of so the rest of the time I am eating really healthy and my busy schedule keeps me fit. Plus I’m quite a fitness junkie and am in the gym at least four times a week.

What exercises do you do at the gym then?

Oh you know just the basics like sit ups, squats and 15 minutes on the treadmill and cross trainer.

I bet you get a lot of male attention don’t you?

Hahah… a fair share but doesn’t every one?

Do you have a boyfriend?

Noooo… I’m happy single for now. I’m so busy with my music that I don’t think I would be able to spend all the time I wanted too with them.

But if you were looking, what would be your ideal man?

How did I know you were going to ask me that…!! I like someone with a good sense of humour, a nice relaxed personality and someone who lets the woman do something like take him out for a meal. I hate it when they hand everything to you on a silver plate and wait on you hand and foot, I’m like just chill!!

So what are your plans for 2012?

I don’t know if I can say too much about my plans but I can give you a hint and say I’ll be seeing much more of my fans. I can safely say though that I will be doing a few festivals and will be releasing some new merchandise.

Could this mean a tour?

Haha… I don’t know you will have to wait and see!!

Well thank you very much Vanessa!

Thank you for having me and by the way you can call me nessa!

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